
By: Philmore Sweets

There are some things as Black/African-Americans that are clear and true to all, like, we bare the weight of those that came before us on our skin. This is a constant struggle that some aren’t strong enough to overcome. Also, there is a healthy suspicion when something just doesn’t feel right. The “this feels familiar and not in a good way” feeling, when one’s race creeps into a situation. [read more]

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris understands this, as she vies to become the first woman President, she has faced the full spectrum of suspicion. Born in Oakland, California, attended Howard University, and graduated Hastings College of Law. If being born in Oakland, and attending Howard, how dare one shortchange her “Blackness”. In fairness, we at HeldHorses.com were guilty of this. She gained national attention by taking apart former Attorney General Jeff Sessions. She made him “nervous”. This publication felt then she was trying too hard to win black attention, and it felt forced. Nevertheless, we kept an eye on her up and through the Senator having William Barr on the ropes by asking him if anyone in the Trump administration asked him to investigate anyone involved in the Mueller investigation. She grew on us. HeldHorses.com had to rethink its position. A candidate shouldn’t be discounted because of their job, even as a prosecutor, sometimes the Super Villain in the Black Community in so many daily dramas.

Beyond all that, she is qualified. She is dedicated. No matter how one feels about the Justice System, Senator Harris has always fought the good fight. She kicked Wall St.’s a** to the tune $20 bil, for its practices on homeowners during the Great Recession. This article isn’t to endorse Senator Harris(we are a conservative publication), it’s to make sure the Black Community doesn’t discount one OUR best and brightest because she chose to fight for the rights of the people.[/read]

Get Involved

By: Philmore Sweets

Passion. Beliefs. Families. Jobs. Healthcare. The back and forth. This all plays a part of why we get involved. Why we don’t get involved, and how politicians are still able to sway the vote. It’s a dirty game, Politics. It’s a heartbreaker. Kingmaker(or Queen). It’s the idea that one can put their ideas out there and be heard. That those ideas will lead to a better outcome for the people. Here, one will get the latest insights into national and international news, politicians, politics, and news stories that may need a little more explanation.

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